He Lizhi, an awarded engineer in China and Falun Gong practitioner since 1995. Determined to expose the persecution of Falun Gong, he sent letters to his colleagues and friends telling them the truth about Falun Gong in July of 2000 before he could move to Canada. He was then imprisoned for 3.5 years in China. Tremendous torture and forced sufferings almost took his life in prison. Despite of very poor health with damaged lung and kidney problems, he survived the heavy slave labour, electric shocks, frequent deprivation of sleep and use of the toilet, and many other brutalities including mental torture during his entire imprisonment. In 2002, Amnesty International Canada declared him Prisoner of Conscience. He reunited with his wife in Canada in May of 2004 with help of Canada government and rescue efforts from many kind Canadians.  The persecution is still ongoing in China. Recently, Lizhi's brother Lizhong was arrested in his hometown and illegally sentenced to 3 years in prison. But Lizhi believes that any persecution against humanity, conscience and righteous beliefs is doomed to be a failure. Justice will prevail.